Using Suffix Mapping

One method of converting and serving images that is supported is suffix mapping. Suffix mapping entails setting up two programs - the web server and PictServerPro.

The web server must be told which suffixes are to be passed to PictServerPro. With WebStar(tm), this is done through the creation of an "action". This "action" ties PictServerPro with the suffixes to be converted. After creating the "action", create suffix maps that link certain suffixes, such as .pict to PictServerPro.

Once the web server is setup, PictServerPro can be configured. The program comes with all 14 suffixes pre-defined. These default settings can be changed at any time either through the preferences menus or via remote administration.

Here is a table of the suffixes that come pre-defined in PictServerPro:
.PICTConvert pict image to JPEG
.PITNConvert pict image to JPEG thumbnail
.PICGConvert pict image to GIF/Interlaced GIF
.PTNGConvert pict image to GIF/Interlaced GIF thumbnail
.TIFFConvert tiff image to JPEG
.TFTNConvert tiff image to JPEG thumbnail
.TIFGConvert tiff image to GIF/Interlaced GIF
.TTNGConvert tiff image to GIF/Interlaced GIF thumbnail
.EPSFConvert pict preview from EPSF file to JPEG
.EPSGConvert pict preview from EPSF file to GIF/Interlaced GIF
.MOVJConvert movie poster frame image to JPEG
.MVTNConvert movie poster frame image to JPEG thumbnail
.MOVGConvert movie poster frame image to GIF/Interlaced GIF
.MTNGConvert movie poster frame image to GIF/Interlaced GIF thumbnail

You will notice that EPSF files do not have a thumbnail conversion type. This is because the preview images are already in thumbnail format. If you wish to change the size of the resulting images more than just via the thumbnail option, you can use the scaling options.

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Using HTML Forms

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